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Frequently Asked Questions 
Will I be awake during the procedure?
At Cornerstone Healthcare Solutions, we specialize in providing ultrasound guided nerve block interventions for a variety of conditions. You will be awake for your procedure. The patient's skin will be numbed prior to injection of medication.

Is the procedure safe?
At Cornerstone Healthcare Solutions, we prioritize patient safety and take all necessary precautions to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Our team is highly trained and experienced in performing nerve block interventions. Complications are rare and will be discussed with your provider.

What is the recovery time?
Common side effects of nerve blocks last only a few hours. Side effects are unique to the type of nerve blockade provided and will be discussed in detail at the time of consult. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions and guidance on when you can resume normal activities.

How long does the procedure take?
Total procedure time typically is less then 1 hour. However, specific times vary depending on the type of procedure. Our team will discuss the estimated length in detail  with you prior to  to the procedure. 
Am I a candidate for nerve block interventions?
Each patient's health and physical status will be reviewed in detail during the initial consult. Our team will evaluate your individual needs and medical history to determine if you are a suitable candidate for nerve block interventions. Patients taking blood thinners might need prior clearance from their cardiologist before stopping medication before the procedure.

Can I drive after the procedure?
Depending on the type of procedure utilized, you may need to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions and guidance on when it is safe to resume driving.

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